Retail Banking Manager

In Search For A
Complete Banking Experience

The ever evolving technological advancement in retail banking has often left bank owners wanting. Bank customers have high standards for banking convenience and security which consequently lead to IT operators having to find ways to improve customers' banking experience while keeping costs manageable. This is certainly easier said than done.

Look no further. Penril's OnlineApps Retail Banking Manager is designed and developed using latest in technologies to meet and even exceed the above expectation. The solution is design with stringent criteria which are light-weighted, simplicity and scalability in mind. 

"We want to be the leader in Digital Banking"

"I want to do my banking from Anywhere, Anytime and with Any devices"

"The solution must be easy to maintain and with low infrastructure investment"


Whether your customer access their accounts or performing a transaction, they will enjoy the similar user experience be it on a web, mobile or table device.

Lightweight Design

Lightweight application design means the bank can change, develop and deploy new digital products without any operation interference. This way the bank is always in the forefront of the digital leadership of the industry.


Scalability equates to "Connectivity" - creating stronger, longer lasting relationships through continuous connection with the bank customer. Digital Banking has becomes a mandatory requirements for a retail banking business, our scalable design ensures IT infrastructures are always available and scale as even the availability of a mobile banking services is the deciding factor in retaining the customer loyalty.


Lightweight application design means the bank can change, develop and deploy new digital products without any operation interference. This way the bank is always in the forefront of the digital leadership of the industry.

Single Platform, Multiple Channels

The entire application stacks is ready when you are ready to deploy. From Retail Banking, Corporate Banking, Custodian, Payment, Insurance, and many others, you can decide to start with one or altogether simultaneously. One single license for unlimited users count and applications.

360 degree Customer View

An aggregated view of all the customer’s information that enables better decision making.

Tablet Portfolio Management

Financial advisors can interact with customers with a tablet app that offer a complete view of the customer portfolio.

Call Centre

Provide customer service with the tools and information to solve customer issues quickly and effectively.

Loan Proposals & Approval Workflow

Simplify the risk control and decision making for new applications i.e. loans


Contact us and find out how our OnlineApps Digital Banking Solution can digitize your business in the shortest time with low investment. We look forward to hear from you.

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